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Who’s In Charge Here??? October 13, 2012

Posted by nrhatch in Health & Wellness, Humor, Joke, Nature, People.

The body is an amazing machine.  A brilliant multi-tasker.  An intricate inter-woven web of cogs and pulleys all working in synch to get us from here to there.  A miracle in motion.  No spark plugs required.

Or, as John F. Kennedy, Jr., once said, “Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.”

Wikipedia ~ PET Scan (in Public Domain)

One day . . .

The organs and body parts held a meeting to decide who should be the C.E.O. of the operation.

“I should be in charge,” said the brain, “because I run all the body’s systems. Without me, nothing would happen.”

“I should be in charge,” said the blood, “because I circulate oxygen to all the organs and extremities. Without me, you’d all waste away and die.”

“I should be in charge,” said the stomach, “because I process food and provide you with energy.”

“I should be in charge,” said the legs, “because I carry the body wherever it needs to go.”

Cats-eyes“I should be in charge,” said the eyes, “because I allow the body to see where it’s going.”

“No, I should be in charge,” declared the rectum, “because I’m responsible for waste removal.”

With that, all the other body parts burst out laughing. Annoyed at their reaction to his suggestion, the rectum commenced Operation Shut Down.

Wikipedia ~ Stomach (in Public Domain)

Within a few days:

* the brain developed a terrible headache

* the stomach became bloated and nauseous

* the legs grew wobbly

* the eyes could no longer see straight

* the blood became toxic.

Convinced, the body called an emergency meeting and voted unanimously to put the rectum in charge.

Aah . . . that’s better! 

Moral of the Story:  Even when others do all the work, there’s usually an asshole in charge.

Inspiration: e-mail from unknown author

* * * * *

Quote to Ponder:  Each human being is a multiplicity of miracles. Eyes that see thousands of colors, shapes, and forms; ears that hear a bee flying or a thunderclap; a brain that ponders a speck of dust as easily as the entire cosmos; a heart that beats in rhythm with the heartbeat of all beings. When we are tired and feel discouraged by life’s daily struggles, we may not notice these miracles, but they are always there . . .

~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Related posts:  Life is a Series of Miracles (Love is the Answer) * Shape Up or Ship Out (WP Daily Prompt)


1. Team Oyeniyi - October 13, 2012

An amazing piece of machinery, the human body.

And yes, a pretty damn fine computer too.

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Fascinating to take just one aspect and consider its purposes. For example, fingers: typing . . . communicating . . . spreading thoughts from the US to Australia . . . with almost no thought or effort at all!

Team Oyeniyi - October 13, 2012

Very true, Nancy! I must email you too, with those fingers, to set up our date!

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Perfect. I’ll keep my eyes on the alert for it.

2. Maggie - October 13, 2012

The human body is quite amazing… although it is sometimes difficult to tell whether my brain or my heart runs mine…

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

I try to bounce important decisions off both . . . using my gut to give me an intuitive read as well. If I “swallow” a decision and it makes me feel “sick to my stomach,” I know not to head down THAT path.

3. Don - October 13, 2012

Lol – classic.

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

It’s an oldie but a goodie! Here’s to the miracle of laughter! 😆

4. sufilight - October 13, 2012

LOL, enjoyed being part of this meeting. 🙂 The miracle of the body is amazing! Thanks for the pingback!

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Thanks, Marie. And you’re welcome. Here’s to celebrating all the miracles in our lives.

5. gita4elamats - October 13, 2012

Dr. nrhatch – you are funny!

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Thanks, poet4justice. Some of the e-mails circulating in cyber space are worth sharing ~ life is better with laughter!

6. 2e0mca - October 13, 2012

Hi Nancy… You may wish to exercise editorial control on this one…

Whilst it is well known that to be a manager in any organisation other than one you own, you have to be a Rectum – Rectums don’t seem to realise that they can be shafted by organised employees – which I guess signifies that they have a lack of brains (as illustrated by your diagram) 😉

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Bwahaha! Astute observation, Martin. They seldom realize that what goes around comes around! 😀

7. Crowing Crone Joss - October 13, 2012

love this tale! We truly are amazing creatures, us humans, I often think of the verse in the bible that speaks of us being “fearfully and wonderfully made”.

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Thanks, Joss. Here’s to keeping our eyes open to the every day ordinary miracles that abound.

Crowing Crone Joss - October 13, 2012


8. barb19 - October 13, 2012

Thanks for the laugh, Nancy, that was a good one! 🙂
The human body is fascinating, and never ceases to amaze me. I guess each part is just as important as the other, all connected and depending on each other to keep us running smoothly.

nrhatch - October 13, 2012

Thanks, Barb. When I stop to consider all the different things it’s doing for me right . . . NOW . . . it boggles the mind. 😯

9. Three Well Beings - October 13, 2012

Oh my goodness! You got me on that one…the “ending” was a surprise. Our bodies are amazing. I have been thinking about that more since my dad was hospitalized last spring. He came home from the hospital with a g-tube last June. Post pneumonia he’d grown so weak he couldn’t successfully pass a swallow test, and that’s when I learned how perfectly the multiple muscles in the mouth and throat have to work together in order for food to stay out of the lungs. Four months of therapy and he can now eat soft foods and had his first bite of real food just this past week. I haven’t eaten a meal in the last four months that I didn’t think about what a miracle a strong, working body really is! I really love the Thich Nhat Hanh quote! 🙂

nrhatch - October 14, 2012

Thanks for sharing that, Debra. For most of our lives, we take for granted the ability to swallow food ~ it’s done without conscious effort on our part. But, if we lose the ability, as your dad did, it is very difficult to train ourselves to swallow . . . because we’ve never had to pay it much attention.

I am so glad that he is now able to eat real food again . . . it is one of the joys of life. Wishing him a continued recovery.

10. SidevieW - October 14, 2012

all parts need to work for a whole to function correctly.

nrhatch - October 14, 2012

Except for the appendix (and, maybe, the tonsils) . . . those parts seem to be extraneous. Must have been left behind from a previous prototype. 😀

SidevieW - October 14, 2012

The tonsils do have a function, and I guess we just haven’t found out what the appendix does, maybe it’s a tiny extra space for gas normally?

11. jannatwrites - October 14, 2012

Oh, this was great! I didn’t see the ending coming, which made it even funnier. (Thank goodness the kiddos are in bed because they would have begged to know what was so funny here :))

nrhatch - October 14, 2012

This is a G-rated blog, most of the time. Now and then, a PG-13 joke squeaks by the censor and I don’t have the strength to toss it back out . . . because I’m too busy laughing. 😆

Glad you enjoyed after your wee lads were safely tucked away for the night.

12. johnell74 - October 14, 2012

Nancy – catching up on posts.
I thought this was hilarious and in some ways so true!
I used to be in charge once.
I hope I wasn’t an asshole!

nrhatch - October 14, 2012

Your hope in that regard tends to establish your innocence, John. Most AH’s are happy to be so. 😉

13. colonialist - October 15, 2012

Very apt! It always amazes me how many who richly deserve that title do end up on top.

nrhatch - October 15, 2012

Yes! I have worked for a “rectum” or two in my professional life. It tickled me to the core to thwart their efforts to intimidate me. 😀

14. bluebee - October 16, 2012

hehe – the difference is that if you remove the work rectum-in-charge, things usually flow a whole lot smoother!

nrhatch - October 16, 2012

You got that right, sister! Good leaders MOTIVATE . . . without browbeating. 😀

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