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Winks, Whispers, and Nudges March 7, 2010

Posted by nrhatch in Magick & Mystery, Mindfulness.

For those of you who read the last post, and dissolved into a puddle of tears (because you are certain you will never be able to silence your mind long enough to hear the whisper of Spirit), do not despair . . . .

If we remain open to Spirit, Spirit always finds a way to communicate with us in a way designed to get our attention ~ with winks, whispers, and nudges.

Two examples to show you what I mean:

* In 1986, my husband and I decided to buy our first home, and started looking around.  We met a realtor we liked at an Open House and kept her card.  She gave us an outdated copy of the MLS book to flip through.  As an attorney, just starting out, I had little time for house-hunting. 

One day, while driving down the road, my husband said, “There’s that house on Konnoak I told you about.”

Without looking up from the MLS book in my lap, I said, “I don’t want to live on Konnoak ~ it’s too busy.” (Note the resistance?  The complete LACK of openness to possibilities?)

BFF insisted, “Just look at it.” 

I glanced up, intending to glance right back down at the MLS book on my lap.  Instead, I cried out, “Stop.  Stop the car.  That’s it ~ that’s my house.” 

As soon as I saw it, I knew.  Without knowing anything about it, I knew

How?  The whisper of Spirit. 

We got into the house that night, had a contract a few days later, and lived there “happily ever after” (for the next eight years).

Even though I did not believe in the spiritual realm at the time, Spirit believed in me.  Even though I was not “open” to possibility, Spirit still got my attention. 

The Universe knew that the house on Konnoak would be perfect for me, and Spirit conveyed that knowledge, that knowingness, that certainty to me.

Without saying a word.  

* Fast forward to 1997, I had stopped practicing law and was desperately searching for my “next best career.” 

I read books, I considered all my likes and dislikes, I even reviewed my old report cards for clues about what I would enjoy doing. 

And for five months, “nothing happened.”  I was no closer to unearthing my future livelihood than when I had started the search . . . I still did not know what I wanted to do.

But Spirit did.  

Spirit found the perfect job for me, and Spirit got my attention at the perfect time so that I could apply for the position.


One morning, as I leafed idly through the newspaper, turning pages, a small classified ad caught my eye ~ because it was “blinking in neon lights.” 

Not really.  No lights.  No camera.  No action.  But the ad “shouted” out to me as I opened to that page ~ I suspect that even if I had been blind, deaf and dumb, Spirit would have figured out a way to bring it to my attention.

Once Spirit got my attention, I honed in on the ad, which said that the town we lived in wanted a Project Director for a new program. 

That’s it.  That’s all it said. 

But I knew that it was my next job.  I knew that the program dealt with domestic violence, even though those words were not included in the ad.  I knew that I needed to apply, and I knew that I would get the job ~ even though I had no special training in domestic violence. 

How?  Because Spirit filled in the blanks for me, allowing me to know what I could not possibly know based solely on the ad itself.

And that infused knowingness was correct on all accounts:  I got the job.  I learned what I needed to know about domestic violence (along with my volunteers), and ran the program smoothly for the next three years. 

When the time was right, I turned over the reigns to one of the program’s volunteers, and moved on to the next stepping stone in my path ~ with Spirit leading the way.  

 Quote:  Just start . . . and the Way will appear.

No rules.  Just write!

Related posts:  The Gift of Synchronicity * Synchronicity & MysteryA Beacon in the DarkWay of the Peaceful Warrior * Access Your Inner WisdomAre You OK Right Now? * Divine Inspiration in Unlikely Places


1. RichardWScott - March 7, 2010

Excellent Post!

Isnt’ it amazing what we can see, what we can learn, if we first empty the teacup?

2. nrhatch - March 7, 2010

So true! ; )

3. Graydon Archer - March 7, 2010

The path I have walked on my journey, has had many pitfalls.
So many of them were perhaps, unavoidable. But far many more were due to my resistance to an open heart. Throughout my life, I have searched for an answer. When it was before me all along. When at last I let go, and turned my will over to my Spirit, the paths were transformed into ones, far more pleasant to walk upon.

4. nrhatch - March 7, 2010

That’s excellent ~ and I expect an experience that many of us share.

Our efforts to control life, at the level of ego, generally result in a fairly bumpy ride. When we relax into the flow of life, at the level of spirit, we enjoy smoother sailing.

5. Agatha82 - July 10, 2010

I understand what you’re talking about, it’s a feeling of KNOWING that is very hard to explain to those who have never felt it 🙂

nrhatch - July 10, 2010

I agree. A calm certainty circulating through your entire being.

6. Dennis R. - October 14, 2011

That is how I met my wife. She was getting out of a car coming to a church service. I had never met her before. As I saw this young lady get out of teh car, the Spirit said to me .”There is your wife.”
We have been married 37 years.

nrhatch - October 14, 2011

That’s very cool! When we LISTEN . . . we hear what is being offered. Congratulations on 37 years! 😀

7. Tom (Aquatom1968) - November 18, 2012

Even though I think I’m ‘open’, this post has made me realise that I am still putting up some resistance of my own, particularly with work. Something I need to work on. Now, Nancy… what were you saying about clear messages getting through at the right time?

nrhatch - November 18, 2012

Alert Curiosity leads us to what we need to notice next. If you hadn’t been curious about “Winks, Whispers, and Nudges,” you might not have pressed the Cyber Space Fast Pass . . . and then you would have had to take the L~O~N~G way around..

Tricky, eh? 😉

As I re-read this post, I smiled when I got to “I even reviewed my old report cards for clues about what I would enjoy doing” . . . having just heard about your old report cards. 🙂

8. A Quest to Knowingness | Spirit Lights The Way - March 6, 2014

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10. Val Boyko - March 13, 2015

Love this post Nancy! The whisper of spirit is hard to hear when our mind is closed.
So glad you listened to it and are still here over 4 years later!

nrhatch - March 13, 2015

Thanks, Val. Here’s to finding firm footing on the stepping stones of our lives . . . as the path unfolds before us!

11. Sometimes We Just Know | Spirit Lights The Way - July 2, 2015

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