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California, Here I Come! January 14, 2012

Posted by nrhatch in Magick & Mystery, Mindfulness, Music & Dance.

The Universe works in mysterious ways.

Anne on Fire wrote California Dreaming ~ a post about wanting to escape the Chicago winter by going to California. 

The Universe gave her a “wink” . . . 

“Where I wanted sunny California, I got a snowy sign called the California el stop in Chicago.  Ouch!”

Sophie B. Hawkin’s song, California, Here I Come, came to mind last night as I read Anne’s post. 

I couldn’t listen to it then because BFF was asleep.

I just listened to it now . . . and it “spoke to me” about how I’ve been relating to certain recent issues ~ “running, but not moving,” unable to “see the forest below the trees” while busily “banging my head again the writing on the wall.”

Sophie’s song reminded me to “Stop obsessing . . . there’s food on the table, let’s count our blessings.” ;)

Anne’s post, spurred on by a wink from the Universe, “got the ball (and my thoughts) rolling” in a better direction.

The Universe works in mystery and synchronicity.

Look deep . . . “California” lies within.

Aah . . . that’s better. 

For a fascinating post on Music, full of creative ideas to explore . . . and thoughts to ponder:  Music and the Energy Collective (Library Scenes)


1. granny1947 - January 14, 2012

“Stop obsessing . . . there’s food on the table, let’s count our blessings.”

Love it.
Blessing number one today….thank heavens for drugs!!!

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

I’ve been “obsessing” about the situation with my parents. Round and round and round . . . and nothing changes.

This song was EXACTLY what I needed to hear this morning. I need to stop banging my head against the writing on the wall.

Glad the drugs are working for ya, Granny!

2. suzicate - January 14, 2012

Things might not be what we want, still we are blessed…sometimes I must remind myself.

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

I have far more things going “right” than “wrong.” But I have been driving myself crazy “obsessing” about my parents’ situation.

And the obsessing is not doing me or them a bit of good.

3. Lisa Wields Words - January 14, 2012

It’s amazing how many answers come from the universe if just stop long enough to listen.

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

The minute I read Anne’s post . . . this song popped into mind. I’ve listened to it 25-50-100 times over the past 15 years and NEVER heard the words that spoke to me this morning.

When we LISTEN . . . anything in life can be our guide.

4. William D'Andrea - January 14, 2012

Which “California Here I Come” do you mean? What you’re talking about doesn’t sound like Al Joelson’s old recording.

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

I’m talking about the song by Sophie B. Hawkins. It’s not the same song as the oldie but goodie by Al Jolson and others.

5. annegallagher - January 14, 2012

California does lie within. Love that!

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

It’s a place . . . but it’s also much needed “peace of mind.”
Aah . . . that’s better!

Thanks again, Anne . . . for helping the Universe get my attention. 😀

6. Tammy - January 14, 2012

Such a great song. I’m glad it spoke to you.

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

I don’t know how many times I’ve listened to Sophie sing it without hearing the words that got my attention this morning.

Just magical. I feel so much better now that I’m not obsessing in endless repetitive circles that lead only to Dead Ends.

7. Ruth - January 14, 2012

“Stop obsessing . . . there’s food on the table, let’s count our blessings.” – IOW, consider the lilies in the field? Sage advice.

A lovely song, and I love your conclusion: Look deep . . . “California” lies within.

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Thanks, Ruth. It’s “standard advice” . . . but sometimes we need a timely reminder. As soon as I heard it this morning, I stopped obsessing and feel ever so much better . . . even though NOTHING has changed.

8. Pocket Perspectives - January 14, 2012

I agree….”California” IS better thought of as a place within the heart, not a spot on the map… Here’s Lucy and Ricky…Fred and Ethel…reminding us…watch their happiness and joyfulness as they sing…that’s the heart I’m talking about….California, Here I Come : ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dl5_PJHISk&feature=related
(I hope that’s just a link and doesn’t embed)
But of course, we’d love to have you come and visit us here…lots of room…. : )

Pocket Perspectives - January 14, 2012

Whoops…go to 1:25 in that Lucy/Ricky youtube California Here I Come youtube….for the start of the song… : )

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Thanks for the song . . . and the invite!

It’s been quite a few years (maybe 20?!) since we’ve been to California. How time flies. We have some great friends in Glendora and have talked about visiting them for 10 years!

9. Piglet in Portugal - January 14, 2012

I can relate to “running, but not moving,” sometimes I feel like a little hamster on a hamster exercise wheel. running like mad but standing still. Get off the wheel. Breath. Stand still and reflect

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

That’s EXACTLY what happened yesterday. I went to an Alzheimer’s Support Group and the thoughts started churning and I couldn’t get them to stop or slow down.

As soon as I heard “Stop Obsessing” . . . I knew that the Universe was reminding me how unproductive running in circles can be ~ creating unnecessary suffering without offering any viable solutions. The what is, IS. “Let it be.”

10. Andra Watkins - January 14, 2012

Stop obsessing. I needed to hear that today. 🙂

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Me too! Big time.

I want to “be there” for my parents . . . but I want “there” to be “here” and they will NOT move. Plan B ~ hire home health aides to help them. NO. NOTHING DOING.

But obsessing about it while beating my head against the writing on the wall was NOT advancing the ball. It was just giving me an “ulcer.” As soon as I heard those words this morning, peace returned. My thoughts calmed down. Reason surfaced.

Aah . . . that’s better!

11. bluebee - January 14, 2012

Are your parents cared for, Nancy?

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

My brother is helping them out . . . A LOT. They won’t agree to move and they are refusing to let us hire them help with driving, groceries, etc.

It’s a bad situation. But obsessing about it is NOT beneficial for them or me. So I’m going to do what I can wtih what I have where I am . . . and leave the rest to the Universe to work out.

bluebee - January 16, 2012

Sometimes we need to just leave it and wait for an event to precipitate the necessary change, otherwise we make ourselves ill

nrhatch - January 16, 2012

Just so, BB. It’s hard to watch . . . but sometimes we really do need to stay on the sideline and let the game play out.

12. kateshrewsday - January 14, 2012

I’m off to tattoo ‘California lies within’ on my forehead.

kateshrewsday - January 14, 2012

I’m being facetious. It’s tough when our parents need us this much; they are still the human beings in charge of their lives. I want my mother to do something to aid her health very much indeed, but I have learnt this week that it must be in her own time or not at all. Autonomy is the greatest gift any of us have, isn’t it? Freedom?

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Great tattoo! 😀

Yes. Autonomy and freedom are of the utmost importance . . . BUT my parents cognitive abilities are diminished.

So asking them to make a life-altering decision about moving, hiring in home care etc., is a bit like asking a toddler in the throes of the terrible twos whether he WANTS to go to bed.

The answer is ALWAYS going to be NO.

As parents, we know WHEN to veto those NO’s. As adult children, trying to “wrest control” from aging parents with diminished cognitive abilities . . . it’s a tougher situation.

But I have had peace from the obsessing today. Tomorrow is soon enough to resume the battle with them.

13. Pocket Perspectives - January 14, 2012

Nancy, it can be so difficult not to obsess when parents are resisting more help…from my own experience…and my mother is very strong minded…I did obsess…it didn’t change her resistance, it didn’t make her think more sensibly, it didn’t help or change anything…but I took a nose dive and couldn’t stop obsessing about it…I got so caught up with worry that I wasn’t able to stop..and that affected my own life and people around me too…and still the excess thinking didn’t make one bit of difference in helping her to change her mind. So, it sounds like you have good perspective about trying not to do that…just try to keep in mind that the obsessing won’t really help. Try to listen to music, get out into nature, get exercise to try to work off the energy…and realize the resistance has a life of its own. (I actually resorted to putting blankets, water bottles and granola bars around her house, in case there was a fall that went unnoticed each day…at least there was food, warmth and water…eventually she gave in and got more care…) I wish you some more peace of mind tonight and tomorrow…it will work out, even though there’s a struggle to get there….

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Thanks, Kathy! Yesterday was a bad day. I could not stop obsessing about the situation. And then I heard the song this morning and knew that the Universe was telling me to “Stop Obsessing.”

It got my attention. I switched gears. And today was a GREAT day. NOTHING about the situation changed. The only thing that changed was ME. How we relate to the issue IS the issue.

Peace lies within. 😀

14. libraryscenes - January 14, 2012

Glad to read that your spirit has moved you forward today, Nancy. Many thanks for the kind mention and link!! I was at the library today, so I couldn’t respond (no bloggin’ while jobbin’).

Anyhoo, your post made me think about a really great part of the movie (glad you put it on your netflix). In summation, an annoying sound is embraced as beautiful instead of annoying…and eventually, it was heard as music.

I guess what I’m trying to say is if we continue to see our obstacles as gateways instead of roadblocks, perhaps we will see more roadways to explore a new direction(and THAT is coming from a glass has empty blogger, lol!)

cheers ~

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Exactly so, Angela. Obstacles are opportunities to grow in patience, faith, hope, understanding, etc.

I still get “off track” at times (and even completely de-railed, like yesterday) ~ my wheels are spinning but I’m going NO WHERE because I’ve got NO TRACTION.

And, then, the Universe gets my attention in a comment, book, movie, quote, song, or the whisper from the still silent voice within. If I listen, I am reminded to set my wheelbarrow down for a time and take a break. The wheels stop spinning. I regain my traction, my bearings, and my perspective. And, soon, I’m happily chugging along again.

Sometimes we just get so caught up in the shifting gears, that we forget to stop and BREATHE.

Thanks for your thoughtful thoughts!

15. ceceliafutch - January 14, 2012

Well, I do love this post. Really. Been doing a bit of “obsessing” myself. But then, like you said, the Universe gets our (my) attention and I remember to breathe, trust, be mindful. Had a day like that yesterday. 🙂

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

That’s it, Cecelia! Trust!

When I heard the song this morning, the words got my attention and relayed a subtle subcurrent: “It’s cool. Don’t worry. Be happy. Have TRUST! We got it covered.” 😀

Hope your Sabbath helped to restore your peace of mind.

16. souldipper - January 14, 2012

Nancy, I’m so sorry about this. I’m going to do a quick email to you.

nrhatch - January 14, 2012

Thanks, Amy!

17. Arlee Bird - January 15, 2012

I was expecting the old Jolson song. This one by Hawkin’s is good too. I don’t have to sing it since I’m already here in California.

A cat’s memoir?
Wrote By Rote

nrhatch - January 15, 2012

I think when I hear the Jolson song being sung . . . it’s always in Jimmy Durante’s gravely voice. Ha Cha Cha Cha! 😎

I’ll check out Wrote by Rote.

18. Team Oyeniyi - January 15, 2012

Indeed California, or where ever it is that calls our name, does exist within!

nrhatch - January 15, 2012

We are so much more powerful than we think . . . and the way to access that inner power plant? Stop Thinking. 😉

19. Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide - January 15, 2012

Tripping at home, how very 70s! Ha, kidding.

nrhatch - January 15, 2012

I could use a dose of the 70’s right now! 😎

20. ElizOF - January 16, 2012

I enjoyed that song too… it spoke to me! 🙂

nrhatch - January 16, 2012

Awesome! I’ve always loved the song . . . and enjoyed having “new words” pop out at me, right when I needed to hear them.

21. spilledinkguy - January 16, 2012

Cool song…
some stunning imagery in that video, too
(I’ve always been such a sucker for b/w…)!

nrhatch - January 16, 2012

Yes, indeed! She a “well rounded” performer . . . much like the Fresh Fruit Lady you featured today. 😉

22. Cmsmith - January 16, 2012

I’m glad you’re feeling better about things and getting the inspiration you need. But a trip to California would be nice.

nrhatch - January 16, 2012

Thanks, Christine.

I’ve been to California a few times ~ love driving along the Pacific Coast Highway . . . Monterey and Carmel by the Sea.

Also love the Redwoods and Yosemite.

CMSmith - January 17, 2012

Yes. We’ve been to Carmel twice. That drive down highway 1 is the best scenery ever. Yosemite was awesome. I need to do a post about it so that I can add it to my travel page.

nrhatch - January 17, 2012

Ooh . . . yes, please! 😀

23. Perfecting Motherhood - January 16, 2012

I live in San Diego, California and I moved here 14 years ago after freezing for 5 years in Connecticut. There are plenty of things not to like about California, most of which you discover after moving it, but we do have great weather 90% of the year. Even though there are some other places in the U.S. I’d love to move to one day, I know I won’t find one with such wonderful weather.

nrhatch - January 16, 2012

I feel that way about Florida . . . the weather is superb. Lots of brilliant sunshine and swaying palms.

Arlee Bird - January 16, 2012

Perfect— I agree about San Diego. I lived there for a while when I was a kid in the early 1960s and it was like paradise for a kid.

I live in L.A. now and the weather is usually pretty darn nice.

A cat’s memoir?
Wrote By Rote

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