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Creativity & Pure Awareness June 23, 2011

Posted by nrhatch in Life Balance, Meditation, Mindfulness.
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IMGP2584bWhen we meditate to silence the mind, we exist in pure awareness ~ without all the extraneous monkey chatter that normally fills our brains.

Thoughts may arise during meditative practice, but we maintain our focus and allow them to drift softly away.

After meditating, we feel calm, centered and focused.

We feel relaxed and alert, with greater clarity and inner peace.

We remain mindful of all the possibilities offered in this magical moment.

As we move more consciously through our day, our awareness remains focused on the task at hand ~ be that chopping broccoli, solving a problem, painting a watercolor . . . or using our imagination to write.

Our minds in relaxed awareness are still, like the surface of a pond ~ alert and curious about the moment at hand.

No longer tossed about by turbulent and extraneous thoughts, we maneuver more easily through life.

When we need a breather, we dive deep . . . swimming beneath the current rather than wrestling with waves of worry, doubt, and fear to the point of utter exhaustion.

Through our meditation practice, we have silenced (or learned to ignore) our Inner Critic and we have exterminated our Killer ANTs.  As a result, we remain mindful of the moment ~ present, calm, curious, alert, and alive.

In that stillness of pure awareness, the source of all creation resides.


Even in the stillness, the cosmos swirls. Even when silence reigns, we hear its heartbeat.

No rules.  Just write!