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Get Real! May 20, 2010

Posted by nrhatch in Exercise & Fitness, Happiness, Humor, People.

In Pursue Your Purpose with Passion, we explored the World of Comedy.

Now, it’s time to Get Real!

* * * * *

Reality Shows have taken off in a big way since the début of Survivor ten years ago.  So, take your pick:

* If you can sing, or at least carry a tune, think American Idol or America’s Got Talent. 

* If you’ve got smooth moves, consider So You Think You Can Dance.

* If you are a budding businesswoman, maybe you can cozy up to The Donald on The Apprentice ~ at least until he says, “You’re Fired!”

No special talents.  Don’t worry.  You still have options:

* If you like the idea of hanging around the house all day, something you may already be adept at, Big Brother might be the show for you.

* If you are out of shape, overweight, and have not exercised a day in your life, consider The Biggest Loser ~ where you’ll get personal fitness tips from Bob or Jillian.

* And, for those of you who don’t like shopping for clothes, consider the show, How to Look Good Naked. 

Once you’ve selected a show, put down the remote (don’t worry, guys, you can have it back), log onto the Internet, find the show’s website, review the contestant requirements, and fill out the requisite “paperwork” to get a coveted spot on the show.   Then, sit back, open a beer, reclaim the remote, and relax.  That’s all there is to it!


Of course not.  Don’t be gullible (at least not until you are forming alliances on some deserted island).

After letting the show know of your interest, and your unique talents, skills, and abilities, you need to audition.  Just like in a job interview, you’ve got to strut your stuff.

Before the audition, do several trial runs in front of friends, families, and a few people who intensely dislike you.

That’s right.  You need people who are going to be honest with you.  Do not be one of those “No Talents” who bursts into tears on TV when one of the judges asks the inevitable question, “What the Hell was that?”

During the audition, or job interview, offer just enough information to make them want you, and then stop.

Once selected, remember that millions of viewers are watching you!  Do not become the next Richard Hatch (who is absolutely, positively, no relation).

On Survivor: Borneo, Richard volunteered way more info than viewers needed about his gender classification.  Sure, he was on a remote island, but so were cameras!  And parading around naked in front of cameras was not his only problem.

After winning his million dollars, he failed to pay taxes on his winnings.

Can you say “tax evasion”?  

If you win a million bucks on TV, or make it big on Wall Street, remember to toss the friendly folks at the IRS a few dollars before spending the rest.

In addition to being cognizant of the cameras, prepare for the potential let down of being voted off the show ~ odds are not in your favor.  In the meantime, however, envision success, your name in lights, and the ultimate in bragging rights once you head back home!

Of course, if you win $1,000,000, maybe you won’t head back home!

To be continued in Surfing Safari.

Related Posts:   Why Are Reality TV Shows Popular? (WP Prompt) * Live Your Life * Discovering Right Livelihood


1. cindy - May 20, 2010

*Cindy runs off to try and find some footage of Survivor Borneo …*

2. nrhatch - May 20, 2010

That’s funny!

He let it all hang out . . . but they didn’t share the Full Monty with the viewing public. : )

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