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I Can See Clearly Now July 27, 2010

Posted by nrhatch in Happiness, Mindfulness, Music & Dance.

When we still the mind, clarity surfaces.  We see how we contributed to our suffering by magnifying the pain in our mind.

We let toxic, negative, counter-productive thoughts drift away.  Blue skies return.

Or, maybe, we merely remembered to open our eyes.

Awake and aware, we reclaim power and control, and take the helm.


1. Richard W Scott - July 27, 2010

Heh… I can always tell when you’re going to do one of these. The subscription email title gives it away. ))

nrhatch - July 27, 2010

We must have been exposed to many of the same songs. But what about:


2. Loreen Lee - July 27, 2010

New Answers for Old Pains

Exclusively for You…

“Freedom From the Ties That Bind.”
If your answer to some sad memory that floats through your mind is to just drift along with it, why should you be surprised when you suddenly find yourself being carried over the falls of deep grief? The reason you have the feeling of falling is because you and your answer are never apart.

Your answer to the challenge of any moment — and what you experience as the quality of your life in that moment — are one and the same thing. In other words, the way you answer life’s events, and what you experience as your life, are really one.

You can’t separate yourself from what you receive from life any more than the ocean is apart from its own waves.

Within the space of each beat of your heart, you get the exact measure of the answer you gave to life the moment before. No more, no less: Life is always true in this way. Without fail, and without judgment, life speaks directly to you through your own immediate experience of it. Learn to listen for its wise council whenever you meet a moment. What it always says is: “Here is you back.”

Reality is a perfect mirror, and our fearless nature is the perfect teacher because it never denies what it sees. Your life can be just as light-filled and light-hearted as is this pure, elevated Self, if you’re willing to see that when there’s something sour in your life, it’s your answer that’s bitter.
— Guy Finley

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nrhatch - July 27, 2010

Love it!

If we are unhappy . . . it’s because we’re thinking sad thoughts.

When we stop using the Ego as a reference point, we stop shrinking and allow our inner light to shine.

3. Paula - July 27, 2010

Love this post, and later today I will have a post of my own concerning a related subject on “Freedom.” I actually started writing it before I read yours this morning, so that proves once again what you call synchronicity and I call God-incidence! Hopefully up by 5 this p.m. Thanks again. . .

cindy - July 27, 2010

I don’t know what our time difference is Paula, but I look forward to reading your post.

nrhatch - July 27, 2010

Me too!

Freedom is one of my most favorite subjects. : )

Paula - July 27, 2010

Just put the post up at about 3 p.m. EDT It did not turn out to be what I thought, but it is about freedom – just not as closely aligned with your post. Looking forward to your comments!

nrhatch - July 27, 2010

I find that my most interesting posts are the ones that end up someplace different than I had envisioned at the outset.

I’ll be around shortly.

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