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Clear, Calm, and Focused December 8, 2018

Posted by nrhatch in Happiness, Life Balance, Meditation, Mindfulness.

The Why:

The How:

Aah . . . that’s better!

Related:  The Headspace Guide to Mindfulness & Meditation


1. Ally Bean - December 8, 2018

“We reinforce the story line.”

Andy Puddicombe is right, of course. If the story line is positive or truthful, I find it easy to accept and focus on. But it’s the mean and hurtful narratives that seem to take root with many people. [No pun intended regarding his tooth metaphor.]

I find it interesting that AP suggests 10 minutes of daily meditation. It used to be that the healers said 20 minutes was the minimum. That’s my daily goal, but if 10 minutes works then maybe I need to adjust to the time and reduce my practice. 😉

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

Maybe the 10 minute suggestion is used to get people “in the door” ~ with the expectation that the benefits they receive will encourage them to extend their practice to 20 or 30 minutes.

Your comment reminded me of this:

“You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day . . . unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.”
– Zen proverb

Ally Bean - December 8, 2018

Love that quote! Maybe that’s where I got the idea that I needed to meditate 20 minutes per day. 🤔

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

It’s a terrific quote ~ the more chaotic life becomes, the more we benefit from a meditative “time out.”

2. Jill Weatherholt - December 8, 2018

Thanks for sharing, Nancy. I’ll be checking these out today. Have a great Saturday!

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

I just checked your weather . . . you might get some snow tonight. Stay warm!

3. Ruth - December 8, 2018

Perfect timing on this post Nancy. Thank you.

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

Yay! I love it when that happens. 😀

4. Kate Crimmins - December 8, 2018

This is what I do when I’m waiting for an appointment. Often it’s stressful (doc running late, anticipating bad news, plain old cranky, etc.) and breathing techniques help me.

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

Perfect! Any time we notice our thoughts getting away from us, stepping back into the role of disinterested observer helps to decrease our stress level and return us to a more even keel.

Many thoughts create unnecessary suffering ~> until we recall that we hold the remote and can change the channel.

5. Tippy Gnu - December 8, 2018

There are so many insights that arise from meditation. It takes a person into a whole different realm, different from anybody else’s. It connects us, yet makes us distinct from each other, at the same time. At least, that’s been my experience.

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

I enjoy meditation most when the world falls away and I am peace, joy, love, gratitude.

At one with the Universe . . . with NO ego concerns. 😀

6. L. Marie - December 8, 2018

I think the ten minute window is a good start.

nrhatch - December 8, 2018

Sometimes when I meditate I am reluctant to return to the world.

7. Val Boyko - December 9, 2018

Love this guy! He speaks my language 💝
Checking out and checking in keeps life in balance.
Thank you for bringing others along the path Nancy.xo

nrhatch - December 9, 2018

Always a pleasure, Val!

8. Tammy - December 10, 2018

I think 20 minutes is the perfect time. I’ve tried shorter and longer.

nrhatch - December 10, 2018

For me, the perfect amount of time varies ~ it depends on how long it takes my mind to “settle down.”

Sometimes 10 minutes is enough. Sometimes an hour isn’t. 😆

9. Debra - December 11, 2018

I have definitely found meditation and mindfulness exercises helpful this past month. I am going to spend some time with these videos, Nancy. Important stuff. Thank you! 🙂

nrhatch - December 11, 2018

I’m glad that you remembered to utilize meditation and mindfulness to get you through these “challenging” times.

10. Walk the Goats - January 4, 2019

I love Headspace. Andy, the animations, the packs, the wisdom, the gentle encouragement…it’s all why I’ve finally developed a meditation practice, started four years ago.

I kinda joke and say I’m still in the apprenticeship stage, still appreciating Andy’s comments in the middle of a meditation. When I did the ProPacks, they were great, but the silence felt very different. It may be years before I do the Pro again; for now, hearing the wisdom, being reminded to note and let go, practicing different exercises are what i need. Like doing scales on the piano: I need the practice and the repetition

It’s really helped me create more distance between my thoughts and how I see myself. That’s part of my blog, writing about the different characters within. One post was about my Mentor Cat, because he was brilliant at watching birds through a window with no attachment.

Love seeing Andy here and the comments. I’m a lifetime subscriber now, it’s been that valuable for me.

Happy to find your blog, too!

nrhatch - January 4, 2019

Thanks for swinging by and commenting. I just checked out a few of your posts and subscribed. I like how you write and enjoyed your perspective.

Sorry about the recent loss of your mom. My mom died last July (2017) on the 31st. Her birthday ~> September 30th.

Walk the Goats - January 4, 2019

Thanks for reading and your comments.

I was lucky to have my mom around as long as I did. And it’s a new landscape. Thanks for your condolences. To you, too.

nrhatch - January 4, 2019

Good luck traversing the new landscape ~ it feels less rocky with each passing month.

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