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O Christmas Tree December 19, 2011

Posted by nrhatch in Art & Photography, Nature.
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During the holidays, we enjoy basking in the warm glow of our table-top tree, decorated with a multitude of angels, wreaths, musical instruments, birds, zebras, and a Santa (or two).

Like little stars, your candles bright
Send to the world a wondrous light

Festive lights and flickering candles fill us with peace, joy, and hope.

O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree
You set my heart a singing 

Despite its small stature, our tree holds many magical memories in its ever green branches:

* An artistic friend sends out a hand-made angel or wreath in her Christmas card each year . . . her creations fill the branches of this tree.

* The Angel of Kindness (under the tree, cradling a cat in her arms) reminds us of the joy of caring for those we love.

* My older brother’s wife created the embroidered tree skirt ~ she excels at needlepoint, painting, and baking delectable sweet treats  . . . designed to turn us into fat and jolly elves.  Ho~Ho~Ho!

* The tiny Christmas stocking dates back to my mom’s childhood.

For a super cute decorating idea . . . check out Jeanne’s Welcoming Snowmen!

Wondering whether to get a cut tree or an artificial one?  Check out Early Bird’s post to read a tree farmer’s ecological argument for buying a fresh cut evergreen ~ My Christmas Tree.