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The Story of Broke Teaser October 19, 2011

Posted by nrhatch in Mindfulness, People, Sustainable Living.

Dollar-BillsFrom The Story of Broke:

The United States isn’t broke; we are the richest country on the planet and a country in which the richest among us are doing exceptionally well.  But the truth is, our economy is broken, producing more pollution, greenhouse gasses and garbage than any other country.

In these and so many other ways, it just isn’t working.

But rather than invest in something better, we continue to keep this ‘dinosaur economy’ on life support with hundreds of billions of dollars of our tax money.

The Story of Broke calls for a shift in government spending toward investments in clean, green solutions—renewable energy, safer chemicals and materials, zero waste and more—that can deliver jobs AND a healthier environment.

It’s time to rebuild the American Dream; but this time, let’s build it better.

Related posts:  The Better World Handbook * Crises of CapitalismJail Wall Street Crooks!The Story of Broke * Musings: We Are The 99% (Mirth & Motivation) * Why Occupy Wall Street is a Must


1. Carl D'Agostino - October 19, 2011

This is the answer and it is all so clear. Except for….

nrhatch - October 19, 2011

Exactly. :mrgreen:

2. Cindy - October 19, 2011

Help! Walmart is coming to our shores …

nrhatch - October 19, 2011

Be scared. Be very very scared.

Walmart and its owners lure people in with low prices attained by shoddy business practices. I avoid putting any money in their coffers.


Judith - October 19, 2011

We have something like Walmart here but it is called The Warehouse. Shoddy goods and shoddy business practices. I avoid them like the plague.

nrhatch - October 19, 2011

Good on you, Judith. If we stop supporting stores which promote shoddy business practices, merchants WILL get the message. We vote with our pocketbooks.

nrhatch - October 19, 2011

And YAY! You’re back! 😀

3. creatingreciprocity - October 19, 2011

Excellent points, Nancy. Why is there never enough money for the things we all believe are really important? It’s not just true in the US – that is true everywhere.

nrhatch - October 19, 2011

Sadly, much of the world has followed our lead . . . feeding GREED rather than NEED. 😦

4. Julie - October 19, 2011

The problem is that our economy is dependent upon consumerism. Until that changes, it’s hard to see how a cleaner, greener economy is in our future.

nrhatch - October 19, 2011

I don’t see a clean, green economy as mutually exclusive with our consumeristic tendencies.

Instead of gas guzzlers -> pure electrics.
Instead of asphalt shingles -> recycled rubber tires.
Instead of whole house water heaters -> on demand heaters.
Instead of coal fired furnances -> solar panels

5. jeanne - October 19, 2011

We all have to do our part..we have to stop waiting for someone else to take the lead. Go. Do. Be a part of the solution.

nrhatch - October 20, 2011

That’s what we strive to do, Jeanne. We live in a smaller place, use less energy to heat and cool it, limit our driving, and recycle all we can.

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