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Let There Be Music July 27, 2020

Posted by nrhatch in Health & Wellness, Life Balance, Music & Dance.

Listening to music is good for your mood . . . and your health!

“Studies have shown that music can buoy your mood and fend off depression. It can also improve blood flow in ways similar to statins, lower your levels of stress-related hormones like cortisol and ease pain.

“Listening to music before an operation can even improve post-surgery outcomes.”

To learn more:  Is Listening to Music Good For Your Health? (TIME)

Music is especially good for your health if you ZUMBA while listening!

“The workout-in-disguise has unique physical and mental health benefits. [One] study linked Zumba’s hip-swinging, stomach-gyrating movements to increased core and trunk strength and better balance in older overweight women. After just eight weeks, the women’s quality-of-life scores jumped 9% and their self-esteem increased 16%.

“A related study on Zumba’s psychological benefits found that people who practice it feel more independent and said that their lives seemed more purposeful.”

To learn more:  Why Zumba is Insanely Good Exercise (TIME)

Aah . . . that’s better!



1. Ruth - July 27, 2020

I need some music this morning. Thanks for the idea.

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

The article is interesting . . . especially its discussion about how the type of music we tune into changes its impact on our psyches. Example: The Shining soundtrack vs. the soundtrack to The Sound of Music.


2. Jill Weatherholt - July 27, 2020

Music is the natural healer.

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

I agree. But I have to pay attention to the music I listen to ~ some is uplifting and mood elevating . . . and some is a downer!

Jill Weatherholt - July 27, 2020


3. Val Boyko - July 27, 2020

Lets dance!! 💃🏻💃🏻

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

Boogie down, Boyko!

4. Kellie - July 27, 2020

Love this post thanks for sharing 👌💃

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

Thanks, Kellie!

I posted a Zumba workout below at comment #6.

5. Ally Bean - July 27, 2020

Zumba is Jazzercise repurposed for this decade! I listen to music often, but I also like the quiet. The music of the machines in the house seems melodic to me. I can dance to it, too. 😉

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

From the article:

Zumba was born in Colombia in the 1990s, quite by accident. A fitness instructor forgot to bring his usual workout music to class, so he grabbed some Latin albums from his car, ditched the constraints of a traditional workout and danced just like he would at a club. His class followed along, sweating to the salsa and rumba beats, and loving it.

Since then, Zumba has pitched itself as more of a party than a workout. Indeed, some research suggests it may be the very best workout for people who hate to exercise.

Ally Bean - July 27, 2020

Sounds like how they sold Line Dancing. It was a party, not a class. I’ve friends who have taken Zumba classes, with varying degrees of happiness. Whatever puts the bounce in your pounce is good by me.

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

I’m not big on exercise classes. I prefer to choose my own tunes to enjoy in my own space . . . so I can dance like no one is watching.

6. Rainee - July 27, 2020

I think I would like to give Zumba a go!

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

Here ya go:

Rainee - July 28, 2020

I will check it out! Thanks 🙂

7. JOriginal Muse - July 27, 2020

Shall we dance…? 💃🏿👯‍♂️💃🏿👯‍♂️💃🏿👯‍♂️💃🏿

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

Groove to the tunes, Jo!

8. Kate Crimmins - July 27, 2020

Music is healing!

nrhatch - July 27, 2020

Wonder if it can improve our memory? I just realized I shared the exact same TIME article on music two years ago!

9. Behind the Story - July 28, 2020

I love Latin music, and I’ve enjoyed Zumba classes in the past. But I’ve slowed down a bit since then. If I play my own music at home, I can dance at my own speed. You’re right. Dancing is stimulating and fun. And I’m noticing how good it is for balance.

nrhatch - July 28, 2020

I’m with you, Nicki. At home and at my own speed. Dancing is good for balance and equilibrium . . . AND for life balance and life equilibrium. Let’s dance on!

10. L. Marie - July 28, 2020

Music has been really helpful! Such a mood brightener.

nrhatch - July 28, 2020

I find it energizing (when I have something that needs doing) & relaxing (when I want to kick back and do nothing).

Hope the move is going OK, LM!

11. Joanne Sisco - July 30, 2020

Zumba is all well and good until you get an uncoordinated klutz like me in the class … then there is risk to life and limb for anyone foolish enough to be nearby 😏

nrhatch - July 30, 2020

Haha! I am sure that with all your kayaking, biking, hiking, and etc., that you would manage NOT to maim your Zumba mates!

Joanne Sisco - July 30, 2020

Apparently I missed the musical gene, and with it, the skill of coordination 🙂

12. mybeautfulthings - August 2, 2020

Think I should be trying Zumba! 🙂

nrhatch - August 2, 2020

Absolutely! Give your hand a break from sewing, cooking, and gardening by dancing your #$% off! 😀

13. roughwighting - August 6, 2020

Fascinating info and I totally believe it. Do you Zumba? I loved doing it at the gym, but doing it on Zoom is not as satisfying because the music doesn’t come through well. See? I NEED THE MUSIC to move my muscles! 🙂

nrhatch - August 6, 2020

I did a ZOOMBA class this week and thought exactly that ~> the music clarity was lacking. I often just put on music in the living room (or youtube) and dance . . . especially if the weather is not conducive to walking, biking, or swimming.

roughwighting - August 7, 2020

You and me both, Nancy! When I can’t get out to exercise, I put on some dancin’ music and “let ‘er rip.” Happy Dancing to YOU!

nrhatch - August 15, 2020

14. Violet - August 21, 2020

Music can lift your spirits. I try to avoid angry 😤 song lyrics. It changes your mood in an instant

nrhatch - August 22, 2020

I pay attention to how a song is making me feel and adjust as necessary. Some “angry” songs are motivating. 😀

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