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Pushcart Onions September 5, 2016

Posted by nrhatch in Food & Drink, Vegetarian Recipes.

As a child, we lived an hour from the Big Apple.

Street cart vendors sold roasted chestnuts in winter and Sabrett Hotdogs smothered in Pushcart Onions in summer.

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Here’s a delicious recipe for New York Pushcart Onion Sauce (from Mr. Food Cooks Real American)

2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
2 med. onions, halved and sliced
1/4 cup Heinz catsup
pinch of ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp. chili powder
dash of hot pepper sauce
dash of salt
1/2 cup water

In a large skillet, heat the oil over medium heat; add the onion slices and saute for 7-13 minutes, until golden and limp.

Optional: add green pepper with the onions.

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Mix together the remaining ingredients and stir into onions.

Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer uncovered for 10-13 minutes.
Serve hot over hotdogs, hamburgers, grilled chicken.

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Also delicious in or alongside veggie wraps, quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches, or as a dip with Fritos or tortilla chips.

I sterilized a jar in boiling water to fill for the fridge.

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And froze the rest to enjoy later.

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Aah . . . that’s yummy!


1. Jill Weatherholt - September 5, 2016

Oh, I bet this is delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe, Nancy. I’ve always loved onions. When Derek caramelizes the sweet vidalia onions, I can eat bowls full! Have a great holiday.

nrhatch - September 5, 2016

These are yummy! We enjoy them on Veggie Dogs . . . and also just straight up with tortilla chips or Fritos.

2. Kate Crimmins - September 5, 2016

It’s been a long time since I’ve been in NYC but I remember those Sabrett dogs. You could get at some shore points too. I didn’t realize it had all that stuff in it. Yum!

nrhatch - September 5, 2016

I’ve seen Sabrett carts at the shore too. This recipe is a winner.

3. anotherday2paradise - September 5, 2016

Looks delicious, Nancy. Can’t wait for my kitchen to be finished. 😀 Happy Labor Day! 🙂

nrhatch - September 5, 2016

You’ve been without your kitchen for some time, Sylvia. It’ll be great when you can get back in there and whip up some good food for you and the hard-working hubby.

anotherday2paradise - September 5, 2016

Yes, I know. Don’t worry. Hubby doesn’t go hungry. 😃

nrhatch - September 5, 2016

Good thing or he might run out of steam. You must be excited now that you’re approaching the “home stretch.”

4. Rainee - September 5, 2016

Looks good Nancy. I think I will give it a try 🙂

nrhatch - September 5, 2016

This is one of our favorite “relish” recipes. Just right for topping sandwiches or quesadillas.

5. L. Marie - September 5, 2016

Sounds very yummy! Thanks for the recipe!

nrhatch - September 5, 2016

I almost didn’t post this post b/c I was certain I’d already shared the recipe “way back when.” But I checked and couldn’t find it. Better late than never.

Happy Labor Day!

6. Under the Oaks - September 6, 2016

Pushcart onions… the name had me all fascinated!

nrhatch - September 6, 2016

Can you picture me peddling them from a pushcart at the beach?

This morning, the beach was awesome ~ we have a break in the humidity and it is glorious and breezy and perfect after all the rain last week. Nice to go for a walk when the ambient moisture isn’t set at “SAUNA.”

7. Tiny - September 6, 2016

Looks good! As I am not good in following recipes…I will probably try my own variety of this with chicken one of these days 🙂

nrhatch - September 6, 2016

I’m guessing the only things I measured were the catsup and the water. Everything else was eye-balled.

8. Val Boyko - September 6, 2016

Looks delicious Nancy! Such good idea to freeze for an easy meal for later. 💛

nrhatch - September 7, 2016

I cook big batches of chili, soups, and casseroles and freeze the “leftovers” in 4-cup portions ~> perfect for the two of us on my lazy (or crazy busy) nights.

9. diannegray - September 6, 2016

Fantastic recipe, Nancy! Onions are so delicious (and good for you too) 😉

nrhatch - September 7, 2016

As a kid, onions held little appeal to me . . . except for the teeny tiny pieces of minced onion on McDonald’s hamburgers. Now I start every batch of soup, chili, curry with a sauteed onion or two. Great source of flavonoids.

10. Debra - September 7, 2016

I’ve never heard of Sabrett hot dogs or pushcart onions, but you’ve made my mouth water just thinking of those tastes of summer. I love onions in any form, and this would be good with all the ways you’ve suggested. I think I’d like the pushcart onions in an omelette or on a baked potato. I can imagine the taste! 🙂

nrhatch - September 7, 2016

These onions are great with French fries so I expect they’d be a perfect topper to perk up a baked tattie. Have fun experimenting.

11. Bun Karyudo - September 9, 2016

Looks good. I don’t have onions nearly as often as I like because one of my children hates them. 😦

nrhatch - September 9, 2016

I was NOT a fan as a kid. They seemed suspect to me.

Bun Karyudo - September 9, 2016

Yay, there’s hope he’ll grow out of his strange aversion to them then! 🙂

nrhatch - September 9, 2016

Probably around the time he moves out!

12. spardha.k - September 21, 2016

Omg..its yummy.. I’m going to try this certainly..👍
Do share some more yumm recipes.

nrhatch - September 21, 2016

You can use the “Select Category” widget (to the right) to find more recipes. Just click and scroll down to “Vegetarian Recipes.” Or check out posts on “Food.”

13. chefkreso - February 13, 2017

Lovely post, I would love to try the recipe!

nrhatch - February 13, 2017


14. Tired Of Turkey? | Spirit Lights The Way - November 29, 2019

[…] 6 hot dog buns Pushcart Onions […]

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