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“Here . . . Have a Teddy!” August 31, 2017

Posted by nrhatch in Animals, Travel & Leisure.
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We saw a short segment on the news a few weeks ago showing an airline passenger who needed 28 stitches after being bitten in the face by a dog.

On a plane!

The 50-pound dog was allowed on the flight as an “emotional support animal.”

Other animals that have been allowed to fly for free as emotional support animals ~> a turkey, a pig, and a duck!


What next?  An emotional support alligator?  Tarantula? Cobra?

Perhaps it’s time to rein in political correctness in favor of common sense by telling passengers that their right to fly with “emotional support animals” is limited by the rights of other passengers to fly the friendly skies.

Then hand them a teddy to hug for the duration of the flight.

Aah . . . that’s better!

As part of her investigation, the reporter applied for and received an “emotional support animal” certificate for HER dog by filling out an on-line form and paying $149.  That’s all it took so that she could bring her dog on her next flight for “emotional support.”