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Words of Wisdom December 16, 2017

Posted by nrhatch in Humor, Joke.

A pastor’s wife was expecting a baby, so he stood before the congregation and asked for a raise.

After much discussion, they passed a rule that, whenever the pastor’s family expanded, so would his paycheck.

After six children, this started to get expensive and the congregation decided to hold another meeting to discuss the pastor’s expanding salary.

A great deal of yelling and inner bickering ensued, as to how much the pastor’s additional children were costing the church, and how much more it could potentially cost.

After listening to them for an hour, the pastor rose from his chair and spoke, “Children are a gift from God, and we will take as many gifts as He gives us.”

Silence fell over the congregation.

In the back pew, a little old lady struggled to stand, and finally said in her frail voice, “Rain is also a gift from God, but when we get too much of it, we wear rubbers.”

The entire congregation said, “Amen.”

Aah . . . that’s better!

Source:  E-mail from unknown author (sent by Joe M.)


1. Kate Crimmins - December 16, 2017

I love little old ladies! I’m going to be one some day (but not anytime soon!).

nrhatch - December 16, 2017

Haha! Agreed ~> something to aim for “down the road.”

2. Tippy Gnu - December 16, 2017

I doubt the pastor wanted to wade further into that controversy. Thanks for the good laugh!

nrhatch - December 16, 2017

Yup . . . she shut him right up!

3. Jill Weatherholt - December 16, 2017

LOL! That’s a classic, Nancy! Happy Saturday!

nrhatch - December 16, 2017

Glad you enjoyed, Jill. Have a great weekend.

4. Behind the Story - December 16, 2017

Ha, ha. Enough is enough.

nrhatch - December 16, 2017

Yup . . . she’s got a point. 😀

5. Tiny - December 17, 2017

I’ve always liked old, frail ladies!! 😀

nrhatch - December 17, 2017

Especially the feisty ones!

6. L. Marie - December 18, 2017

I want to be like that little old lady!

nrhatch - December 19, 2017

She my mentor!

7. Joanne - December 18, 2017

🤣 Hilarious…! The closer I get to that “little old lady” mark, the more liberating it is to speak up and speak out what’s really going through my head 😂

nrhatch - December 19, 2017

Yup! We can be the voice of the less courageous. 😀

8. Barb - December 19, 2017

SNORT!!! I think this is probably a true story.

nrhatch - December 19, 2017

She’d make a visit to church the bomb!

9. mybeautfulthings - December 20, 2017

Love this! Way to go little old ladies! 🙂

nrhatch - December 20, 2017

Succinct, to the point, and pointed!

10. Debra - December 23, 2017

Very clever! Hope the pastor got the message!

nrhatch - December 23, 2017

Yes . . . listen to the lady in the back pew. 😀

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