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A “Tardy” Post June 7, 2016

Posted by nrhatch in Art & Photography, Humor, Nature.

I took this photo in July 2012 while “stationed” in New Jersey for several weeks after my dad’s death.  I’m a bit “tardy” in sharing it with you.

At the time, the profusion of Black-eyed Susan blooms whispered:

Think of all the beauty still left around you and Be Happy.  ~ Anne Frank


Here’s a “tardy” view from our front door of a single bloom.

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud, was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. ~ Anais Nin

2016-03-09 14-05-15_0029

I took this next shot in December 2015.

It’s taken me all that time to get over the shock of stumbling across this shocking Pepto Dismal Pink.

2015-12-11 20-19-54_0042

It looks so much better is “dusty rose.”  See . . . even Flo the Flamingo agrees.

“Yo, Flo!  You’re looking fine-feathered, my friend.”

2015-12-11 20-20-09_0043

Aah . . . that’s better!


1. Under the Oaks - June 7, 2016

Love the dusty rose! I had a Pepto Bismol bathroom once, the house still sold.. 😀 The Anne Frank quote, perfect. We were concerned about you with the weather.

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

Morning Pix. Thanks for checking up on us. As I said in the email, it’s a bit soggy here . . .

Furious bands of rain swing round like clockwork.
The wind whistles and howls like the big bad wolf, encouraging palm trees to dance to a tropical beat.

And then all is calm again.
Til the next band rolls through.

But we’re warm and dry with no where else we have to be. So it’s all good.

Pepto Bismol bathrooms were all the rage at one time. Pink Dye #44 must have been “cheap.”

2. Jill Weatherholt - June 7, 2016

I’m sorry for your loss, Nancy…not sure if I knew about your father.
The Anne Frank quote is beautiful…as for the pink chairs…I think I need some Pepto.

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

Thanks, Jill. Anne Frank’s quote and that shot will always remind me of the summer of his passing ~> Even in the midst of sorrow, flowers bloom . . . there is always a reason to smile.

Hope your coast doesn’t get hammered too hard by Colin. He missed us, but there’s so much moisture over the Gulf that it’s been raining steadily for a couple of days here. With blustery winds tossing palms about.

Some shades of shocking pink are great . . . others, not so much.

Jill Weatherholt - June 7, 2016

I’m glad to hear you were spared, Nancy. It’s been a busy hurricane season and it’s only the first week. I think Nags Head, NC got hit with a lot of rain. We only got a few tropical downpours, but the humidity was horrible.

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

The rain is tapering off . . . but high humidity lingers. It’s a steamy day outside.

3. anotherday2paradise - June 7, 2016

Love those Black-Eyed Susans, and yes, the dusty rose is definitely preferable to the PD Pink. A lovely quote from Anne Frank. 🙂

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

Black-Eyed Susans are a perennial favorite of mine. If Anne Frank could find things to smile about . . . we all can.

anotherday2paradise - June 7, 2016

That’s very true. 🙂

4. suzicate - June 7, 2016

Black-eyed Susans are my favorite, and so is the Anais Nin quote.You just made my happy day happier!

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

Yay! Happy days are the best.

5. granny1947 - June 7, 2016

2012? A BIT tardy????

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

Better late than never.

6. Ally Bean - June 7, 2016

I like Black-eyed Susans but they don’t do well around here. We have one that is the middle of a bunch of purple coneflowers who seem to protect it. It’s an ornery flower that makes me smile every summer when it blooms. Gotta love the free spirits.

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

We had gorgeous Black-Eyed Susans in NJ and MD . . . not here. To free spirits!

7. Kate Crimmins - June 7, 2016

I remember when you were in NJ. (Have we been blogging buddies that long?) You blogged about taking the train. You had your Mom for a while until she went to another sibling. How is she doing?

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

We have been blogging buddies that long ~ since Tigger was diagnosed with diabetes in 2012.

Mom is doing “OK” ~ she’s content (most of the time) but she has significant cognitive issues which impair quality of life for her (and for my brother’s family). And she misses dad.

8. Patricia - June 7, 2016

There are no tardy pictures just those you haven’t shared yet. They are beautiful… Except the Pepto dismal is just OK.😼

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

That top shot sat in my “blog photos” files for close to 4 years. It gets a longevity award. Most times, if I haven’t shared a pic in a “reasonable” amount of time, it gets tossed out of the folder. But I hung on to that one because it whispers “Be Happy” every time I see it.

The Pepto Dismal chair is sad. Love most “island colors” but that shade of pink is not my cup of tequila.

9. L. Marie - June 7, 2016

Better late than never, I always say! I always love to see flowers, no matter how long it takes to post them.
Dusty rose is lovely!!!

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

Glad the belated posting of these popular perennials appeals, LM. And . . . what a difference a filter makes ~> from Pepto Pink to Dusty Rose in a single click.

10. Val Boyko - June 7, 2016

So much better! My black eyed susans get a fungus in my yard … It’s so nice to see them thriving elsewhere! 💛

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

My Black-Eyed Susans always grew “like weeds” ~ I assumed the same would be true up and down the eastern seaboard.

Maybe I just have a green gene in me?

Val Boyko - June 7, 2016

Green gene or fewer trees around … 😉

nrhatch - June 7, 2016

They do like sun . . . and lots of it!

11. Debra - June 8, 2016

Such cheerful photos. It’s never too late to share them! I was just thinking this morning that I want to get some black-eyed Susans planted. I think they are just the perfect summer flower. Now that you’ve shared your photo I need to act on that thought. 🙂

nrhatch - June 8, 2016

Sounds like a perfect project, Debra. We had beautiful and bountiful Black-Eyed Susans in Maryland ~> big summer smiles!

12. diannegray - June 8, 2016

I love that Anais Nin quote, Nancy and there is nothing ‘tardy’ about this post. I hope you’re not in the way of any hurricanes this season xxxx

nrhatch - June 8, 2016

Me too. Tropical Storm Colin sailed through this week dumping buckets of rain “overboard” but the winds stayed manageable, with gusts in the 50-60 mph range.

Knock on wood . . . the season is a quiet one.

diannegray - June 8, 2016

I always feel very grateful when we get through summer without a tropical storm 😉

nrhatch - June 9, 2016

Hope it’s smooth sailing for both/all of us, Dianne.

Nature nurtures . . . but she also wreaks havoc on colonies crowded around cultural centers.

13. Bun Karyudo - June 8, 2016

I impressed how a single filter can make such a big difference to the appearance of that chair. Do you have one that make me look like George Clooney?

nrhatch - June 8, 2016

No . . . but I think there’s an app for that. : D

14. Behind the Story - June 8, 2016

The Black-eyed Susans and the Anne Frank quote are a perfect way to remember your father. If she could see beauty, how could we not?

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud, was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin She really knew how to capture a truth in the perfect words.

Love the hibiscus and the dusty rose.

nrhatch - June 9, 2016

Morning, Nicki. Anne Frank was an amazing girl who gleaned truth and beauty in harsh surroundings.

Here’s to blooming where we are planted!

15. Carol Ferenc - June 9, 2016

Love the two quotes, Nancy. But the pink ~ not so much 🙂

nrhatch - June 9, 2016

Flo looks pretty in pink. The chair, not so much. Glad you enjoyed the quotes. I’m a big fan of both.

16. livelytwist - June 10, 2016

Some say as the years pass, the pain dims. I’m sorry for your loss.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud, was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ Anais Nin

Yes, life goes on.

nrhatch - June 10, 2016

My dad lived a full life . . . but it’s always sad to say good-bye.

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