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What’s In YOUR Piggy Bank? November 26, 2013

Posted by nrhatch in Gratitude, Happiness, Mindfulness.

Mr. Jones, a 92-year-old man, decided to move to a nursing home when his wife of 70 years passed away. After hours of waiting on the morning of the move, he smiled when told his room was ready.

As he maneuvered his wheelchair to the elevator, the aide described his room, including the view from his window.

With the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy, he exclaimed, “I love it!”

“How can you say that . . . you haven’t even seen the room yet.”

“I don’t have to see it to know I’ll love it.  Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged . . . it’s how I arrange my mind.”

Intrigued, the aide urged him to go on.

“Every morning when I wake up, I have a choice ~ I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with various body parts, or I can get out of bed and be thankful for the gift of this day.”

“That’s inspiring!  Especially considering you’re legally blind and confined to a wheelchair.”

“A long time ago, my grandfather taught me that old age is like a bank account of memories ~ we withdraw from what we’ve put in.  As long as my eyes continue to open each morning, I’ll focus on the gift of a new day and enjoy all the happy memories I’ve stored away for this time in my life.”

As they reached his room, Mr. Jones touched the aide on the arm and said, “I’ve learned five simple rules that have increased my happiness.  Would you like to hear them?”


Mr Jones beamed at the aide’s enthusiasm before reciting these 5 simple rules:

1. Free your heart from hatred.
2. Free your mind from worries.
3. Live simply.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

As the aide turned to leave, Mr. Jones said, “Thank you for your part in filling my Memory Bank. I am still making regular deposits.”

Aah . . . that’s better!

Source: e-mail from unknown author (sent by Joe M.)


1. SuziCate - November 26, 2013

I’ve always loved hearing this…gratitude becomes an attitude, one well worth living.

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

When we get in the HABIT of looking around for the GOOD in life . . . we often find it! 😀

2. Rainee - November 26, 2013

I loved this post Nancy and have shared it on my Facebook page 🙂

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Thanks, Rainee. Glad you decided to “spread the word.” I heard this for the first time years ago . . . loved it then, love it now.

3. Don - November 26, 2013

You live with that kind of attitude long enough and it simply becomes natural to you. Marvellous post Nancy.

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Exactly right. The attitude of gratitude is a habit well worth developing . . . when we look for the BEST in life, it adds sunshine and warmth to even the cloudiest days. 😎

4. shreejacob - November 26, 2013

Good story and like SuziCate commented…always like reading it again 🙂

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

One of my favorite things about SLTW is how easy it is to find quotes and anecdotes and parables and fables and poems by using the search bar or other navigational tools.

I LOVE to collect and post things that I want to practice and apply in my life here. That way I can find them again when I need them. :mrgreen:

shreejacob - November 26, 2013

That’s awesome! I” have a rummage through especially when I may need something for a post 🙂

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Here’s a post I did to describe how to add and use various navigational tools to your blogs . . . I use them all the time:

Is Your Blog User Friendly?

5. Pix Under the Oaks - November 26, 2013

Hi Nancy! I like this, it’s a goodie!! I am sharing it on my Facebook too. It just fits perfectly this week!

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Yay! I saved this one to share this wonderful week of Thanks Giving! 😀

Pix Under the Oaks - November 26, 2013


6. jannatwrites - November 26, 2013

That’s a good way to think. Yay for Mr. Jones! (I also noticed how the aide in the story paid attention- I mean really listened, interested in Mr. Jones’ thoughts. Sometimes the elderly don’t get their due respect in an interested audience.)

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Yay for Mr. Jones and the aide ~ when we really LISTEN, it’s amazing what we can learn from our fellow sojourners. 😀

7. katecrimmins - November 26, 2013

Perfect for me today. While at my local gym, one of the ladies started down the path of everything negative, the weather, the gas prices, her mother in law, etc. When she was done, I announced that I just loved to go there because it was so upbeat. Everyone almost split a gut. I need to post this one the bulletin board. Every day you are alive is a good day.

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Bwahaha! Your comment was PERFECT and your GOOD HUMOR priceless!

Post away! 😀

8. smilecalm - November 26, 2013

easy to find
the gift
in these words

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Well said, SmileCalm. 😀

9. Booksphotographsandartwork - November 26, 2013

Ok so I am so happy that I have a car to drive to the store today instead of having to walk in the freezing rain. I’m glad my two legs work and my eyes and arms. I am thrilled beyond belief that I have hot water and a shower. 🙂

It really is an inspiring story. Not all of us are able to so easily think that way.

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Judging from comments made in cyber space (and real life), I expect most of us need a bit more practice before we’ll gain Mr. Jones’ level of mastery!

And YAY! to not being forced to walk in the freezing rain.

10. Grannymar - November 26, 2013

Reblogged this on Grannymar and commented:
Five simple but important rules for living!

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Yay! Glad you decided to share it.

11. Grannymar - November 26, 2013

Wonderful story, I had not heard it before. Reblogged it at my place!

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Thanks for sharing.

We can get so caught up in our expectations that we frustrate ourselves and everyone else in the process. When we lower our expectations, lasting happiness surfaces.

12. suzjones - November 26, 2013

Just wonderful. I love this. 🙂

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Yay! So much of what we get OUT of life depends upon what we BRING to the table. 😀

13. Celia - November 26, 2013

I love this, going to put it on my facebook. Thanks.

nrhatch - November 26, 2013

Awesome! It’s definitely worthy of a share . . . here, there, and everywhere.

14. Three Well Beings - November 27, 2013

My grandfather, a very wise man, would have had a very similar list. One of my favorite memories is of him telling me that when he got up every morning he would sit on the edge of his bed, put his head between his hands and say, “worry, worry, worry”–and then he’d get out of bed, already done all the worrying he intended to do that day. This story reminded me of that story. He lived it, too. This was a wonderful post, Nancy. In case I lose track of time tomorrow, and I just might!, have a very nice Thanksgiving, my friend. Aren’t we fortunate (thankful) we don’t have snow and freezing weather for our holiday? 🙂

nrhatch - November 27, 2013

I love that story, Debra. It ties in well with this one since worry (i.e., “interest paid on a debt we do not yet owe”) often obscures all the GREAT stuff staring us in the face ~ instead of tasting the lovely marmalade on our breakfast scone, we’re miles away, lost in thought, worrying about peeling potatoes for tomorrow’s repast. 😐

Life is in the Here and Now. We live it or we miss it. Our choice.

On that note, have a wonderful Thanks Giving. I hope the weather cooperates with your plans to dine outside under that banquet tent. If not, enjoy the fact that you don’t have snow to shovel or ice to scrape!

15. Crowing Crone Joss - November 27, 2013

And it’s great to be around people like this – people who add to your own piggy bank. Which of course makes me wonder what I am encouraging others with.

nrhatch - November 27, 2013

I’ve often seen you share an “encouraging word” AND I’ve yet to see you whine, moan, complain, or groan about “this, that, and the other thing” just because you have a platform from which to air/share your grievances. Some people’s blogs are a Big Fat Debbie Downer to read.

Yours . . . NEVER! 😀

Crowing Crone Joss - November 27, 2013

what a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much.

nrhatch - November 27, 2013

You’re welcome, Joss. Thanks for being a positive influence in cyberspace.

16. theoldfossil - November 27, 2013

Absolutely beautiful!

nrhatch - November 27, 2013

It’s a great reminder to “Look For The Good” 😀

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