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Are You A Think-A-Holic? July 3, 2013

Posted by nrhatch in Humor, Life Balance, Mindfulness.

Source:  Dharma Comics ~ Thinkaholic

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1. Piglet in Portugal - July 3, 2013

Yes, I think way too much! In fact, I’ve even been known to think myself in ever-decreasing circles.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Ever-decreasing circles may be better than ever-expanding circles with no end in sight. 😯

When our thoughts spiral out of control, telling ourselves to “stop thinking about stupid pink elephants” rarely works ~ it’s hard to sit and meditate without stewing in our own juices when we’re agitated. But we can “change the channel.”

If we give ourselves something interesting to contemplate, many of the non-productive thoughts are drowned out:

“Can you hear me now?” screams the pink elephant.

“Nope. Sorry. Busy. I’m making a list of every book I’ve ever read. Ta ta. Arrivederci. Toodles.”

2. Pix Under the Oaks - July 3, 2013

YES! No doubt about it. Not proud of it either. I am much better at changing the channel now and CH usually nudges me in the right direction.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Once we realize we CAN change the channel, it gets easier and easier . . . as long as we remember to do it (or have a CH around to nudge us in the right direction).

Two of my favorite thoughts from Zen Living For Idiots:

Zen is not about obliterating your thoughts, your feelings, your personality, or any other aspect of you. On the contrary. Zen helps you to unclutter you so you can think more easily, see more clearly, understand more readily, and know yourself more intimately. [p.5]

Zen is like cleaning out your attic and dropping off all the stuff you don’t need ~ your worries, fears, opinions, preconceptions, attachments ~ at the recycling bin. Because you really don’t need them. [p.5]

Zen Living For Idiots

Here’s to cleaning out our attics and dropping off all the stuff we don’t need.

Pix Under the Oaks - July 3, 2013

I LOVE Zen Living for Idiots! .. 😉

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Zen Living is the best way I’ve discovered to declutter thoughts that shake, rattle, and roll around. :mrgreen:

colonialist - July 4, 2013

They do make a point, now and Zen!

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

Yes! Here and now . . . now and Zen! Good one, Col.

3. Grannymar - July 3, 2013

I think, I think… but it might be daydreaming… or playing hunt the glasses! 😉

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

My grandmother called daydreaming, “wool gathering.” I call it “creative visualization” ~ it sounds more impressive. :mrgreen:

Grannymar - July 3, 2013

“creative visualization” I like the sound of that! I might adopt the phrase. 😀

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

In like vein, I say I’m “on sabbatical” rather than admitting that I’m just lazy. 😛

4. klrs09 - July 3, 2013


nrhatch - July 3, 2013

What? No plea bargaining? :mrgreen:

5. K. Jean King - July 3, 2013

I never knew a stick figure could look so much like me.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Dharma Comics captures (and captivates) many of us with their all-encompassing stick figures. 😉

6. SuziCate - July 3, 2013


nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Or as Popeye used to say, “I yam what I yam.” 😉

7. Don - July 3, 2013

it’s like looking in to a mirror

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall . . . who’s the thinking-est thinker of them all?” 😛

Don - July 3, 2013

Lol – clever

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

I’m going to vote for Rodin’s statue, “The Thinker.” That guy’s been pondering and puzzling for more than a century!

8. ericjbaker - July 3, 2013

I suspect that most writers and blogger types are thinkaholics. We’re a special blend of insecure exhibitionists who are compelled to share out ideas and writings and then spend the next day or week between posts wondering if we should be embarrassed about and ashsamed of what we wrote.

I’m not exactly a thinkoholic as depicted in the cartoon, because I’m not that worried about what people think of me or if I made the right choice (I know I made the wrong choice. It’s a given). I tend to obsess more over what I should be doing.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Yup. I don’t want to stop thinking, but I do want to exercise control over the thoughts I think, rather than letting them wander around on “auto-pilot” getting into all sorts of mischief). :mrgreen:

When we control our thoughts, we become the master of our domain, instead of being relegated to the co-pilot seat.

ericjbaker - July 3, 2013

My brain refuses to listen! I don’t know what to do.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

“Captain. We have a hijacking in process.”
“Any hostages?”
“What do you think we should do about it.”
“Hmm . . . go along for the ride?”
“Capital idea!”
“Aye, aye, captain!”

9. Morgan - July 3, 2013

Yes, I definitely am…I over think most everything.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Well, as you can see, you are in good company.
Or bad company.
Hmm . . . which is it?
I’m not sure.

I wonder if I can look that up somewhere.
Why do we “look things up” and “track things down”?
Wow. Good question.
Let’s google it!

10. Three Well Beings - July 3, 2013

I’m so glad you have now introduced me to Dharma Comics. I just subscribed. Yes, I can be a think-a-holic. I continue to learn techniques for turning off that hamster in the wheel lurking in my mind, but if I don’t stay alert to tell it to STOP, it starts running. 🙂 What often works for me is just realizing how much energy that drains, and being mindful to the fact that I don’t really have unlimited energy!

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Yay! Another Dharma Comics fan. Their comics rock!

Yes!!! When my “monkey mind” is chattering and chittering and yabbering on with no signs of slowing, I often tune it out by following my breath.


Aah . . . that’s better!

Or I just watch my surroundings . . . tuning in to sights, sounds, smells, tastes (my favorite!), and textures! Mindful eating is almost always more fun than Mindless thinking. :mrgreen:

11. Maggie - July 3, 2013

I am absolutely a think-a-holic… trying to curb the impulse to think too much about things that are no good to think about.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Good luck breaking that habit, Maggie. Some things are “no good to think about.”

12. sufilight - July 3, 2013

Yes, yes, oh, yes, I am a think-a-holic! There I admtted it! 😀 I like your suggestion in the comments to contemplate something interesting to drown out the thoughts.

I have seriously been working on taming my mind and I regularly sit in a delicious spot in the living room where I can hear the fish tank and use the recliner. I then do not attempt to stop my thoughts, I simply become the observer of my mind; this helps me to not identify with my thoughts and the thoughts stop. I sometimes feel my body relaxing as the mind slows down.

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Awesome! When we step into the role of “detached observer” we relax and unwind without chasing after the thoughts swirling through our mind. We see thoughts arise and watch them drift away (like clouds) without getting mangled up in tangled up knots. Aah . . .

13. diannegray - July 3, 2013

This is certainly me, Nancy (and probably why I spent my entire time at school gazing out the window) 😉

nrhatch - July 3, 2013

Our teachers probably did just the same . . . especially as holidays and summer break approached (or the weekend rolled around). :mrgreen:

14. Patricia - July 4, 2013

I don’t know if I am a think-a-holic or not. If I am it only happens at night when I am trying to go to sleep. Drives me nuts!

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

Perhaps you’re a part-time think-a-holic? During the day, you’re much too busy to get bogged down in the mire of endless loops of loosely connected thoughts.

You go with the flow and live in the moment.

Ignored, your thoughts conspire against you, agreeing that as soon as you climb into bed that night they’ll toss thoughts your way that you can’t ignore and keep your tossing and turning.

No? Oh, maybe that’s just me. :mrgreen:

Patricia - July 4, 2013

Could be…we are complex creatures.

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

Indeed. Hope you’re having a pleasant 4th!

15. bluebee - July 4, 2013

Moi? Never!

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

“Mais, non!”

16. shreejacob - July 4, 2013

Hello, my name is Shree and I’m a think-a-holic! Though at times I sure wish I’d have thought thoroughly before saying or doing something! LOL!

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it?

Our monkey minds think about this and that, swinging from one thought to the next as if they were vines in the rain forest. They don’t bother to finish thinking about THIS thought before they start thinking about THAT thought. And then, THE OTHER THING butts into the conversation and so it goes. :mrgreen:

17. kateshrewsday - July 4, 2013

Yes, I am. Time to let go and let Spirit have its way.

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

It’s good to quiet our thoughts and tune in to intuition from time to time. We benefit from the shift in perspective.

kateshrewsday - July 4, 2013

To me it always feels like moving closer to the centre of everything. The hub.

nrhatch - July 4, 2013

Yes! Like being plugged into a central power source to recharge our batteries with calm certainty.

18. markingmyspot - July 5, 2013

Just one question: is there a think-a-holics anonymous? It seems a lot of us need to join. I overthink EVERYTHING finding associations and wandering off on tangents all the time.

Oh, I just thought of another question (sorry, I’m over-thinking again): Are more women that men think-a-holics? Is it gender specific?


nrhatch - July 5, 2013

Sorry. I can’t answer either of your questions right now . . . I’m too busy wandering off on tangents. :mrgreen:

19. Booksphotographsandartwork - July 5, 2013

That is me!

nrhatch - July 5, 2013

It seems to be making the rounds. 😀

20. jannatwrites - July 7, 2013

Oh yes, I am a think-a-holic. I’m not to the stage where I will seek help, though 🙂

nrhatch - July 7, 2013

Baby steps. 😉

Think more productive than non-productive thoughts. Keep angst out of the equation. Use your noggin as the tool it is.

21. Perfecting Motherhood - July 9, 2013

Haha, that’s me, especially when I lay down in bed as I try to fall asleep. Or worse, if my bladder wakes me up in the middle of the night. That’s why meditation is so hard for me, but I really need to try it out.

nrhatch - July 9, 2013

I have much greater control over my thoughts (and my life) as a result of practicing meditation. You learn not to believe everything you think . . . and not to get caught up in every passing “cloud.” Definitely a good practice to institute. If you need any tips, check out the Meditation links in the Blog Roll OR just type meditation or mindfulness into the search bar.

Perfecting Motherhood - July 9, 2013

Thanks, I’ll look into it. Hopefully I have a little time to start this in August. Right now, life is being very chaotic and I just do what I can to keep my head above the water. 🙂

nrhatch - July 9, 2013

When you start a meditation practice, don’t plan to sit down for 30-45-60 minutes. Start with 5 minutes (set a timer) and just WATCH your thoughts arise. Don’t chase after them. Don’t buy into them. Just watch them appear and drift away as the next one appears on the horizon.

Another 5 minute exercise . . . just watch your breath. In. Out. In. Out. You can do it anywhere ~ while walking, while waiting in line at the bank, or just before sleep. OR do a whole body scan. Just check in with your feet (“how are you feeling”), then your ankles, knees, thighs, shoulders, arms, hands, leg. Put everything else OUT of your mind.

Perfecting Motherhood - July 9, 2013

5 minutes… I can try that. Thanks!

nrhatch - July 9, 2013

Good luck. Once you start to perceive the benefits, you’ll want to extend it from 5 minutes to 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

It’s more relaxing than taking a nap. Unless you’re really tired. In which case, you’ll probably just fall asleep. That’s OK too.

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