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Blog Etiquette (Woman Wielding Words) October 2, 2011

Posted by nrhatch in Blogging, Humor, Mindfulness, People.

As many of you know, I avoid controversy on SLTW at all costs by always agreeing with anything that anyone else says . . . even if they want to complain that I painted a zebra when they thought it should have been a giraffe.

I am a doormat in front of an open door allowing all manner of ill-mannered beings to enter, walk all over me, and deposit their baggage wherever they want . . . while chastising ME for tripping over it. ;)


Everyone has the right to say what they want to say when they want to say it . . . but they don’t have the right to say it on SLTW unless I agree that it adds to the discussion rather than detracting from it.

Lisa’s latest post definitely adds to the discussion:  Discussion, Debate, and Blogging Etiquette

Aah . . . that’s better!            

Related posts: Rules of the House * Life is NOT A Free-For-All * The Queen of Hearts * Insanity * The Debating Game * A Quick Vent (The Idiot Speaketh) * Standing Up (Odd Ramblings)

* * * * *

Artwork (“Ziggy the Zebra”) by Jan Philpot ~ a talented artist, prolific writer, retired school teacher, and compassionate humanitarian.  ♥ ♥ ♥


1. Maxim - October 2, 2011

Slay all the disbelievers! I mean… I agree.

nrhatch - October 2, 2011

Exactly! I mean . . . I agree. 😉

2. jeanne - October 2, 2011

Great repost…I was thinking of doing it myself! Great tips for the entire blogging community.

nrhatch - October 2, 2011

Lisa made some excellent points in her post . . . and responded directly to the misanthrope with admirable aplomb.

3. TheIdiotSpeaketh - October 2, 2011

If ever a post deserved to be Freshly Pressed, it was this one by Lisa. 🙂

nrhatch - October 2, 2011

Your “rant” was equally “spot on.” And it’s wonderful that so many of your readers have your back.

I’ve seen you around on Lisa’s blog, Denise’s blog, and elsewhere . . . but I’ve never been to YOUR blog until today. It’s awesome, dude!

I’ll be back.

4. Paula Tohline Calhoun - October 2, 2011

I’ll read it. . .later. You being the doormat you are should understand and accept this limited comment for what it is. I agree blindly with whatever is said. . .in THIS post. . .


nrhatch - October 2, 2011

I agree! TIOOYFC! 😆

5. Judith - October 2, 2011

I too thought I would repost Lisa’s blog but you beat me to it. 🙂

nrhatch - October 2, 2011

I’m sure she won’t mind if others want to reinforce her thoughts by re-blogging the post. 😀

6. Cindy - October 3, 2011

Thanks for the link, off to have a read.

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

{{looks around furtively to make sure no misanthropes are lurking in the shadows . . . }}

Some people have no sense of how they come across in their rambling obtuse comments ~ or maybe they do, but they enjoy being pot stirrers so much that they don’t care.

7. enermazing - October 3, 2011

Great link, thank you 🙂

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

A reasoned response to an un-reasonable man.

8. Tilly Bud - October 3, 2011

Uh…where’s Nancy?

I went on over and left a comment. It was a good post.

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

She’s turned over a new leaf. :mrgreen:

9. johnell74 - October 3, 2011

Hi Nancy,
I hear what everyone says, but I don’t reply quickly, my brain takes time to absorb and react to what I read / hear.
So I understand exactly what you say.
Nice post, even though I didn’t see the post you refer to!


nrhatch - October 3, 2011

The world would be a kindler and gentler place if we didn’t feel that we needed a response ready on the lips at all times. If we weren’t considering what to say NEXT . . . we would be able to really LISTEN to what’s being said NOW.

And we would finally be communicating with a GIVE and TAKE instead of just reiterating our tired stance.

So, John, keep up the good work . . . absorbing, thinking, pondering and THEN responding.

10. SammyDee - October 3, 2011

Great repost. Lisa’s post certainly had some good tips and pointers.

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

Lisa made excellent points in her post . . . and responded directly to the misanthrope in question with admirable aplomb.

Perhaps she should be considering a career in mediation. 😀

11. Debra - October 3, 2011

Wow. I was wondering what you were leading to…and I knew it had to be something other than you being a ‘doormat’. 🙂

I read Lisa’s post also…logical and sensible post. A good share Nancy:) Thank you. _/|\_

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

Lisa ended her post by asking how we deal with controversy on our blogs ~ those who want to avoid controversy at all costs may be tempted to become a doormat, agreeing even with those who are being disagreeable. I find that approach often backfires ~ you give some people an inch and they take a mile.

Fortunately, we’ve had less controversy on SLTW of late due to the editorial policies established after the last “debate.” _/!\_

12. ceceliafutch - October 3, 2011

Thanks for posting a great link. I checked it out, and agree with “The Idiot” that it should be freshly pressed (although I hesitate to actually write out his blog title for fear of offending someone. . .but it is his self-chosen title 😦 and he has a great blog.)

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

Yesterday was my first foray to Mark’s Blog, The Idiot Speaketh, but it won’t be my last . . . his favorite movies and music from the 70’s and 80’s align closely with mine . . . and he’s got a great sense of humor.

Mark’s unreasonable dis-admirer picked the wrong blogger to pick on ~ everyone’s got Mark’s back AND, even if they didn’t, Mark’s got the right idea . . . he just lets the nastiness roll off his back as he keeps moving forward.

Aah . . . that’s better.

13. Rufus' Food and Spirits Guide - October 3, 2011

Well, I ALWAYS agree with you! (It’s easier, ha.)

nrhatch - October 3, 2011

And I appreciate that. :mrgreen:

Team Oyeniyi - October 5, 2011

I usually do too – not because it is easier – just because we seem to think alike! LOL – THAT is when it is really easy!

nrhatch - October 5, 2011

I only want people to agree with me when they agree with me. In all other instances, they should let their heart be their guide.

14. souldipper - October 3, 2011

I had to take about three runs at this, Nancy. I read that 1st paragraph and knew I was in the wrong place.

I said, “That danged Nancy moved and didn’t leave a forwarding address. Probably rode off side-saddle on a frothing crusade!”

nrhatch - October 4, 2011

Glad that you saw the dichotomy between those paragraphs and the “real me.” 😉

The “debate” that prompted Lisa’s post parallels situations that have occurred on SLTW with certain readers. Someone showed up, and read a funny light-hearted post. Then, instead of responding to the post as written, attempted to “hijack” the discussion ~ from “comedy” to their own “negative agenda.”

15. jannatwrites - October 3, 2011

It took me a while to get through reading this post because I was doubled over with laughter at the first two paragraphs. The dripping sarcasm was great! Even better because ‘doormat’ and ‘Nancy’ can’t be used in the same sentence…

nrhatch - October 4, 2011

Yay! That’s exactly the effect I intended ~ dripping sarcasm. Because “Nancy” and “doormat” do NOT belong in the same sentence. 😆

Thanks, Janna.

16. ElizOF - October 4, 2011

Okay love, who crossed the line this time… Okay, it don’t matter as you took care of it…. Must be the weather or something , no? 😉

nrhatch - October 4, 2011

All’s calm on the home front . . . but Lisa’s post caused me to make the acquaintance of a cantankerous sort of gent who reminded me of . . . earlier assundry incidents on SLTW. So I circled wagons with Lisa and Mark and joined their effort to clarify certain aspects of blogging etiquette. :mrgreen:

17. spilledinkguy - October 4, 2011

Oh no!
I hope this isn’t related to my foot in mouth ‘incident’?!

nrhatch - October 4, 2011

Fear not! It’s been smooth sailing on SLTW of late. 😛

18. hugmamma - October 4, 2011

always good to get things off our chests…especially when one’s own turf is being encroached upon…life works better that way…for all concerned 🙂

nrhatch - October 4, 2011

Yes. And being honest about our etiquette expectations increases the odds of compliance. :mrgreen:

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