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We Are HAPPY Because We Laugh July 12, 2011

Posted by nrhatch in Gratitude, Happiness, Mindfulness, People.

Tigger-Looking-At-His-TailDespite the sorrows and challenges that he and the Tibetan people have faced, the Dalai Lama generally is seen with a twinkle in his eye and a slight smile on his lips.

Seeing him smile, even in a photograph,  makes me smile ~ automatically.

The corners of my mouth curve upwards without conscious effort on my part . . . and my mood  follows suit.

Seeing someone else’s happiness, even in a photograph, elevates my happiness.

Smiling to myself for any reason, and even for no reason, has the same effect.

220px-AdvertYoungsTheHatterVictorianEraBridgeportCTDon’t believe me?
Try it for youself . . .


What happened to your mood?

Did you feel happier while wearing that smile on your face?

Not sure?  Try it again . . .


In addition to seeing the Dalai Lama’s smile, or smiling myself, other triggers which elevate my mood include: hearing children laugh at play, or watching roly-poly puppies, curious kittens, and bouncing bunnies explore the world around them.

When I hear children laughing, I laugh ~ even if I don’t know why they are laughing. Their laughter, standing alone, makes me laugh.  Often children repay the favor ~ joining in my laughter, without knowing its cause.

What’s the point?  Just this:

* Happiness is contagious, and travels at the speed of light (or sound).
* When we laugh and smile, our mood improves and daily stress fades away.
* When we laugh and smile, others are apt to follow our lead.

In short, we increase our own happiness, and the happiness of those around us, by remembering to smile and laugh as we proceed through our daily routines.

So smile!

Happiness is FREE for the asking!

Quote: We do not laugh because we are happy . . . we are happy because we laugh. ~ William James

No rules.  Just write!

Related posts:  Cultivating Happiness . . . not Hedonism * Dalai Lama: Inner Peace & Happiness * Generosity of Spirit * Good Vibrations


1. misswhiplash - July 12, 2011

This is true,he does always smile and have a twinkle in his eye.. It is also true that laughter is the best medicine for all aches and ailments

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

Norman Cousins cured an incurable disease by laughing! Laughter is not a luxury:

Laughter is NOT a Luxury

2. misswhiplash - July 12, 2011

Just thought of another saying ‘ Laugh and the World laughs with you. Cry and you cry alone’

also true

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

I agree, but many don’t. Some people would rather commiserate with misery than be around happy upbeat people. Maybe it makes them feel better about their own lives?

Pollyanna’s Perfect Life

3. SuziCate - July 12, 2011

Smiling and laughing are contagious!

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

They are to me. If BFF gets in a bad mood . . . I act silly until he has no choice but to laugh at me. His laughter dispels the negative energy swirling around and through him and breaks the spell.

Aah . . . that’s better!

4. Cindy - July 12, 2011

Yes, a child’s laughter will do it for me every time.
And a nice Merlot, of course.

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

Nothing like sitting in the garden, sipping a Merlot, while watching bunnies, puppies, and children at play. 😀

5. Vix @ LittleMissEverything - July 12, 2011

Some people are so miserable and you feel like shouting to them just smile!

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

I agree! Some people pride themselves on their self-created misery:

5 Easy Ways To Make Yourself Miserable

6. William D'Amdrea - July 12, 2011

I am a natural comedian. I prefer to be the one who makes others laughs and smile.

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

I enjoy doing that too . . . in unlikely places . . . like the grocery store . . . or the bank . . . or wandering down the street singing do~wah~ditty~ditty~dum~ditty~do! 😀

7. Tilly Bud - July 12, 2011

I smile at every opportunity 🙂

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

That’s why the name of your blog is PERFECT for you . . . the laughing housewife! 😀

8. Debra - July 12, 2011

I love to smile. People see my smile and say…’why are you smiling?’

sometimes I smile at some small bit of nature happening in front of me…sometimes of an inward thought…most of the time because I felt a smile inside and it needed to get out! :):)

Thanks Nancy and yes here are some smiles 🙂 🙂 🙂

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

I’m the same. I smile for any reason . . . or no reason. I smile because it makes me feel GOOD!

I’ll see your 3 smiles . . . and raise you one! 😀 😀 😀 😀

9. souldipper - July 12, 2011

As a CFO in a School District, I was prepped to meet with a father of an international student. He was angry because his daughter wanted to go to a different Canadian city. Because our Government approved placements of these students, we couldn’t simply change her domicile on our own volition. He was livid.

My prep? In his culture, when he is angry, he will smile.

That was a meeting that this dyslexic will not forget! 😀

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

I bet angry smiles do NOT radiate from the heart. 😀

10. Maggie - July 12, 2011

I can usually find something amusing in life to smile about. 🙂

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

Life is better with laughter. 😀

11. Rosa - July 12, 2011

Love this post! It’s so true! And we could learn from a child’s willingness, no eagerness to laugh at anything and everything!

nrhatch - July 12, 2011

Listening to children giggle is one of the most wonderful sounds in the world. 😀

12. vivienne Blake - July 13, 2011

A timely reminder. I wrote this small stone for the river of stones last January:

Happiness is infectious
a smile provokes a smile
a joke shared
a kindness given
a cheerful song
appreciation, interest, praise
all help to lift the spirit.

nrhatch - July 13, 2011

Beautiful, Vivienne. Thanks for sharing . . . and caring. 😀

13. Julie - July 13, 2011

So true!

nrhatch - July 13, 2011

If you’re happy and you know it . . . laugh out loud! 😀

14. hugmamma - July 13, 2011

I’m sure laughing helps trim the waistline. You can be sure…

i’m laughing all the time…hugmamma. 🙂

nrhatch - July 13, 2011

Laughing DOES trim the waistline in two ways:

A hearty belly laugh burns more calories than frowning, and laughing helps eliminate the nasty stress hormone CORTISOL which is a “fat magnet” (adding unwanted padding around our mid-sections).

So laughing is a secret weapon in our efforts to remain slim and trim! And happy. 😀

15. eof737 - July 17, 2011

Already I’m smiling… happy begets happy! 🙂

nrhatch - July 17, 2011

Reading your comment made me smile . . . automatically. 😀

16. Christine Grote - July 17, 2011

I love this. Thanks for the reminder.

nrhatch - July 17, 2011

You’re welcome, Christine. Life is better with laughter. 😀

17. a happier world « words from the soul - August 31, 2011

[…] We Are HAPPY Because We Laugh (nrhatch.wordpress.com) […]

nrhatch - August 31, 2011

Great reminder!

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