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EarthShare November 4, 2010

Posted by nrhatch in Life Balance, Nature, Sustainable Living.

We live on an amazing planet where all aspects of our environment are connected.

We’re part of a web of intricate, interwoven ecosystems ~ the health of our oceans is affected by the quality of our air; our climate is impacted by our carbon footprint; the well-being of our forests, farmland and the living creatures that depend on them is influenced by land use and other human activities…and the list goes on.

When so many critical aspects of nature need our care, how can we choose which charities to support?

When you give through EarthShare, you don’t have to choose.

EarthShare lets you make One Gift that can help plant trees, clean up our oceans and rivers, teach our children about the wonders of nature, save endangered species, protect the air we breathe and the water we drink, and so much more.

To Learn More:  One Gift


1. Cindy - November 5, 2010


nrhatch - November 5, 2010

Earthshare (and Global Impact, a similar organization) make it easy for people to contribute to a variety of causes that appeal, even if they don’t have a bottomless wallet.

These days, that helps. 🙂

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