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Our Field Of Dreams May 18, 2010

Posted by nrhatch in Books & Movies, Less IS More, Writing & Writers.

Writing advice proliferates, as does advice on living life. 

Writers are admonished to consider their intended audience in choosing what to write about and how to present their thoughts.

But how does a writer know who will be in the audience?  

Most times, they don’t. 

If a writer doesn’t know who’s in the audience reading their words, how can they accommodate the audience’s divergent views on life and love and the pursuit of happiness? 

Most times, they can’t.

My advice, for writing and life . . . be yourself.   Speak, write and act from the heart.   Be authentic.  Discard your masks.  Be true to your inner voice. 

Remember the movie Field of Dreams?  And its catch-phrase?

If you build it . . . they will come.

Well, it doesn’t just apply to baseball or Kevin Costner.  It applies to all of us as we author our thoughts, script our lives, and share ourselves with the world.

Life is our Field of Dreams . . . 

Whether or not something I write resonates with a given reader depends on the reader.  If I write honestly, my intended audience will appear while those who are not intended to be in my pool of readers will drift away.

When we are enjoying the journey, we stop worrying  about finding our intended audience ~ we trust that our intended audience will find us.

No rules.  Just write!


1. Richard W Scott - May 18, 2010

You’re right, of course, you cannot know–for sure–who will pick up your book. At the same time, you can write for a specific target audience. Young Adults, for example, Mystery Buffs, Romance readers. The list is formidable.

Like many writers, I would love to write “pangea” of all novels, but the chances are literary greatness is not in the cards. I can only hope I reach those readers I’m aiming for.

nrhatch - May 18, 2010

You are absolutely right about writing for a target audience ~ for example, this blog is intended for people who want to be happier and are willing to experiment to find ways to accomplish that objective.

Those who enjoy “playing the victim” in life are not apt to become a fan of my work and my words.

2. Tiger Princess - May 18, 2010

I think that the really successful writers actually write either for themselves or one specific person. And only if you love your writing, can you be successful…

If you love your writing, it comes through the words and you attract the reader that will love it too.

3. nrhatch - May 18, 2010

Just so, Mandy!

4. nrhatch - May 18, 2010

An excellent quote by Stephen King in On Writing (p. 219) . . . brought to my attention to Mandy:

“Writing isn’t about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid or making friends. In the end it’s about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life as well. It’s about getting up, getting well, and getting over. Getting Happy, okay? Getting happy.

Some of this book – perhaps too much – has been about how I learned to do it. Much of it has been about how you can do it better. The rest of it – and perhaps the best of it – is a permission slip: you can, you should and if you are brave enough to start, you will. Writing is magic, as much the water of life as any other creative art.

The Water is free. So drink.

Drink and be filled up.”

If you’re permitted inside (by the bouncers at the cyber door), here’s a link to Mandy’s FB note:


5. Joanne - May 18, 2010

Love the Field of Dreams analogy…perfect for the theme of writing… and I’m so glad I found you, Nancy…

I still remember that you were the first one to welcome me into the WEbook community… So, does that mean you found me…?

Which came first — the chicken or the ego — I mean egg…!???

6. nrhatch - May 18, 2010

I expect the Universe encouraged us to bump into one another. : )

Paula - June 3, 2010

The comment above and your reply reminds me of a play- writing assignment I was given while in drama school. The assignment was to write a one act/one scene play with no more that two characters, and no more than five minutes long. Other than that, the sky was the limit! Wish I had had this idea, but one of my brilliant classmates wrote the following play:

Scene begins with a dark stage, and lights coming up reveal two characters: A chicken, and an egg. The chicken says to the egg (with a sweep of the hand and a bow of courtesy) “You first!” To which the egg replies, (equally courteously), “No, no, You first!” Curtain.

Of course I have never been as short nor as sweet! I did manage to get my own effort in at just under five minutes, however: A record for me! Just call me Helen Santmyer! (Not that old yet, but approaching…)

nrhatch - June 3, 2010

That’s hysterical!

thanks, Paula.

7. cindy - May 19, 2010

Most of my paid writing comes in the form of commissioned work; eg. the publisher will say “give me xxx number of words on the topic of dealing with a positive HIV AIDS status. The target audience are young adults. I need it by FRIDAY. Thanks.”

All my other writing just appears on my screen, I blame my fingers 🙂

nrhatch - May 19, 2010

Cindy ~ Your writing comes straight from the heart. That’s why it always hits home runs!

8. Milestones and Markers | Spirit Lights The Way - January 1, 2015

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